World Concern Launches 2018 Clean Water Campaign

Campaign aims to provide clean water to 6,000

August 7, 2018 (SEATTLE) – Globally, at least 2 billion people drink contaminated, disease-ridden water every day—water that transmits diseases such diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. Most of these men, women and children are stuck in a cycle of poverty and disease because they don’t have access to safe drinking water.

“Everyone in the world has the right to access clean water,” says World Concern President Jacinta Tegman.

World Concern, a global relief organization headquartered in Shoreline, Washington, works in some of
the most remote and desperately poor communities in the world. In Somalia, for example, several years
of drought means that families in many communities have run out of water. Women and children walk
for hours every day to find water for their families. And the water they find is filthy and filled with bacteria that leads to disease.

“The solution is so simple for us to provide—dig a well, install a tank, provide a water filter—and it changes their entire life!” says Tegman.

As part of a holistic approach to sustainable community development, World Concern equips communities with the resources they need to gain access to clean water. Depending on the depth of the water table, accessibility of the region and cost, clean, disease-free water can be provided through deep wells, shallow wells, rainwater harvesting, or water filters. Health is improved and maintained with improved sanitation, including latrines and hygiene training.

For more information about World Concern’s 2018 Clean Water Campaign, please visit

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For interviews with World Concern staff around the world, please contact Cathy Herholdt, Senior Communications Director, at (206) 794-9775 or [email protected].

World Concern is a Christian global relief and development organization. With our supporters, our faith compels us to extend lifesaving help and opportunity to people facing the most profound human challenges of extreme poverty. At World Concern, the solutions we offer, the work we do, creates lasting, sustainable change. Lasting change that provides lasting hope. Our areas of expertise include disaster response, clean water, education, food security, child protection, microfinance and health.