Hunger Crisis in Somalia. Feed a Malnourished Child Today!

Your Gift Impacts Families in Critical Need

Four relentless years of devastating drought have wiped out everything. And now, children are wasting away from malnutrition, crying themselves to sleep from the sharp hunger pains in their bellies…

The situation in the Horn of Africa is desperate. People are dying. You might not have known that.

There are no news crews there. Yet it’s one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world today. Millions are at risk of starvation, as the fragile nation teeters on the brink of another famine…

Christian humanitarian organization World Concern is there in the hardest-hit areas, providing urgently needed food, water, and emergency supplies to families in need.

Because of generous matching grants, your gift today will be doubled in impact to rush emergency food to hungry children and save their lives!

You’ll provide proven-effective Nutripackets—a quick way to deliver desperately needed nutrients. It’s a peanut-buttery food that releases all the vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and other nutrition a child needs to satisfy their hunger and restore their health.

How many families will you help? Please pray and give your best gift to help a family survive this hunger crisis.