Help Transform Tello, South Sudan


South Sudan
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This is Tello

Every day is a struggle for the 2,400 people living in Tello village in rural South Sudan. Amidst its barren exterior and the thick, tall grasses that surround this desolate place, is a community in need.

Mothers and young girls walk hours each day to fetch dirty pond water, while farmers produce barely enough food for their families to eat even one meal a day. Children, unable to go to school, regularly go hungry and become sick without clean water or enough food to eat.

But things are changing in Tello… With your support and the support of other village sponsors, clean water, food, education, and the Gospel of Christ are bringing hope and transformation to this village.

Tello Needs

Clean Water

You’ll empower villagers to find and build innovative solutions to the water crisis.


A village classroom, supplies, and teacher training will educate children.

Food & Nutrition

Farming and livestock training will enable families to have ample nutritious food year-round.

Spiritual Transformation

You’ll support local church leaders and bring the hope of Christ to Tello.

Local Story

Mary's Story

Mary carries a wooden cross with her wherever she goes. The cross is a physical reminder for her to be in constant prayer for her community. Whether she’s visiting sick neighbors in their homes or praying for others at church every Sunday, Mary is a true prayer warrior.

In her village, there is obvious spiritual oppression and great physical needs.

For a long time, Mary has been praying for change to come to her village. She prays for clean drinking water so that the children in her village are no longer sick, and looks forward to receiving pastoral and literacy training so that she can provide even more care for her community as well as mature in her own spiritual life.

With your help, not only will Mary and her community’s physical needs be met, but their spiritual needs as well.

Become a Monthly Partner

Your monthly gift of $39 will meet physical and spiritual needs and bring lasting change to the families in this village. Join the transformation in Tello today!

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