Disaster Relief

What is a Neglected Crisis?

Karess Linzer
July 1st, 2024

Imagine waking up every day to the sound of gunfire, the cries of hungry children, and the uncertainty of whether you'll survive another day. This is the harsh reality for millions of people around the world trapped in what we call "neglected crises." These are situations of extreme need and suffering that, for various reasons, fail to capture the world's attention.

Neglected crises don’t make the headlines, and they often don’t receive the funding or support necessary to alleviate the immense suffering they cause. Understanding what a neglected crisis is and why it matters is the first step toward making a difference. In this blog post, we will delve into the heart of these forgotten emergencies, explore their impact, and discuss how we can bring hope and help to those in desperate need.

What is a Neglected Crisis?

A neglected crisis is a severe humanitarian situation that remains largely ignored by the international community. These crises, often characterized by prolonged conflict, chronic poverty, or natural disasters, receive minimal media coverage and inadequate financial support, leaving millions of people without the help they desperately need.


Neglected crises share several common features that contribute to their lack of attention:

  • Lack of Media Coverage: These crises rarely make the news, overshadowed by more immediate or sensational stories. Without media exposure, they fail to capture the public's attention and concern.
  • Insufficient Funding: Humanitarian aid is often directed towards high-profile emergencies. Neglected crises, on the other hand, struggle to secure the necessary funding, leading to prolonged suffering and unmet needs.
  • Prolonged Suffering: Neglected crises are typically long-lasting, with communities enduring ongoing hardships without adequate support. The persistent nature of these crises often leads to a sense of hopelessness among affected populations.


To better understand what constitutes a neglected crisis, let’s look at a few examples from around the world:

Central African Republic (CAR): Despite years of violent conflict and political instability, the crisis in the CAR remains one of the least funded and least reported humanitarian emergencies. Millions of people face displacement, food insecurity, and lack of access to basic services.

Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): The DRC has experienced decades of conflict, resulting in one of the largest and most complex humanitarian crises. Yet, it receives scant media attention and insufficient international aid, leaving millions in dire conditions. According to the Integral Alliance, 25.4 million people are in need in the DRC.

Yemen’s Forgotten Conflict: While the Yemeni civil war occasionally makes headlines, the scale of suffering and humanitarian need is often underreported. Ongoing violence, famine, and disease outbreaks have created a catastrophic situation that is largely neglected by the global community. The Integral Alliance reports 18.2 million people are in need in Yemen.

Why Do Neglected Crises Occur?

Understanding why certain crises are neglected can help us address the underlying issues and advocate for better support. Several factors contribute to the neglect of these humanitarian emergencies:

Media Attention

The media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and drawing attention to global events. However, media outlets often prioritize stories that are sensational, immediate, and likely to attract a large audience. Crises that are complex, prolonged, or occurring in remote areas may not receive the same level of coverage. Without media exposure, these situations remain out of sight and out of mind for the general public and potential donors.

Donor Priorities

Humanitarian aid is often driven by the priorities of major donors, including governments, international organizations, and private foundations. Donors tend to focus on high-profile emergencies that receive extensive media coverage or align with their strategic interests. As a result, neglected crises, which are less visible or politically significant, struggle to attract the necessary funding. This imbalance in donor attention leaves many critical needs unmet.

Complexity and Accessibility

Neglected crises are often characterized by their complexity and the challenges involved in addressing them. These situations may involve multiple layers of conflict, political instability, and cultural nuances that make intervention difficult. Additionally, crises in remote or hard-to-reach areas pose logistical challenges for delivering aid. The complexity and inaccessibility of these crises can deter international efforts and contribute to their neglect.

Prolonged Nature

Many neglected crises are prolonged, lasting for years or even decades. Over time, there may be a sense of fatigue or resignation among the international community, leading to a decline in interest and support. The ongoing nature of these crises can make it difficult to maintain the momentum needed to address them effectively, resulting in continued suffering for affected populations.

Competing Crises

The world is often dealing with multiple emergencies simultaneously. When new crises emerge, they can overshadow ongoing ones, diverting attention and resources away from those that have been neglected. This competition for attention and funding exacerbates the plight of those caught in less visible emergencies.

Political and Strategic Interests

Geopolitical considerations and strategic interests can influence which crises receive international attention and support. Regions or countries that hold strategic importance for major powers are more likely to receive aid, while those without such significance may be overlooked. This disparity in attention can leave vulnerable populations in neglected crises without the assistance they need.

Understanding these factors helps us recognize the systemic issues that lead to the neglect of certain crises. By raising awareness and advocating for more equitable attention and funding, we can work towards ensuring that all humanitarian needs are addressed, regardless of their visibility on the global stage.

How We Can Help Address Neglected Crises

Addressing neglected crises requires a concerted effort from individuals, organizations, and governments. Here are several ways we can all contribute to bringing relief and hope to those suffering in forgotten emergencies:


One of the most powerful tools we have is raising awareness. By learning about neglected crises and sharing information with others, we can help bring these issues to the forefront of public consciousness. Use social media platforms, community meetings, and personal conversations to spread the word about these underreported emergencies. Awareness can lead to increased interest and support from a wider audience.


Financial support is critical for organizations working on the ground in neglected crises. Consider donating to reputable humanitarian organizations like World Concern that focus on these underfunded and overlooked areas. Regular contributions, even if small, can make a significant difference. Additionally, encourage others to support these causes through fundraising campaigns, events, and peer-to-peer fundraising efforts.


Advocacy involves influencing policymakers and decision-makers to prioritize neglected crises. Contact your local representatives and urge them to allocate more resources to these emergencies. Support policies that promote equitable distribution of humanitarian aid and long-term solutions to address the root causes of neglected crises. Joining advocacy groups or campaigns can amplify your voice and help create systemic change.


Educate yourself and others about the complexities of neglected crises. Understanding the historical, political, and social factors that contribute to these emergencies can help in developing more effective responses. Attend workshops, webinars, and conferences on humanitarian issues, and share your knowledge with your community.

Sharing Success Stories

Highlighting success stories from neglected crises can inspire hope and demonstrate the impact of collective efforts. Share stories of resilience and recovery on social media, in newsletters, and during public talks. These narratives can motivate others to get involved and show that progress is possible, even in the most challenging situations.

Long-Term Commitment

Addressing neglected crises requires a long-term commitment. Short-term aid can provide immediate relief, but sustainable solutions involve ongoing support and development initiatives. Advocate for and support programs that focus on education, healthcare, economic development, and infrastructure in neglected crisis areas. These long-term investments can help break the cycle of neglect and build more resilient communities.

By taking these steps, we can help ensure that neglected crises receive the attention and resources they deserve. Our collective efforts can bring hope and healing to those suffering in silence and contribute to a more just and compassionate world.

Neglected crises are heartbreaking reminders of the inequalities in our world, where millions suffer in silence without the attention and aid they desperately need. Understanding what constitutes a neglected crisis, why they occur, and their profound impacts is the first step in addressing these humanitarian emergencies.