
Food Security & Livelihoods

Due to the threat of climate change, inflation, population growth, and water scarcity, many around the world lack access to healthy, local, and nourishing food. World Concern partners with communities to increase households’ food production, farm income, and environmental conservation. Additionally, our projects support livestock related interventions, such as administering vaccines, improving breed selection, and distributing livestock, to improve families’ financial and food security. Our facilitators work with rural farmers to increase their market access for their crops, livestock, and agronomy products. Increasing opportunities for local food production and market access offers sustainable ways for families to produce nutritious food for the long-term.

What We Do

Improve Farming Methods

With World Concern project facilitators, farmers are trained in effective farming methods, vegetable gardening, and climate-adaptive techniques. These tools and resources enable families to have a nutritious diet and sustainable income. Generosity received from our funding partners assists families to improve their farming practices by supplying them with the tools, seeds, and materials to support the growth and sustainability of their agricultural pursuits.


Our project staff administer livestock such as cows, goats, chickens, or ducks to families. These animals provide a source of nutrition and generate income when the family sells the animals’ milk and eggs. When the animals reproduce, their offspring are often raised by the family and then sold for additional income. Livestock are an investment for each participant because without the presence of formal banks in their community, they can purchase animals that offer ongoing income generation for their families.

Local Story

Ayudo’s Garden Changed His Life

In Kuanya village in South Sudan, young resident Ayudo barely had enough food to feed himself, and he didn’t have a consistent way to make an income.

But that’s all changed.

Two years ago, Ayudo joined a vegetable farming group where he received seeds to help re-start his floundering garden. Between getting seeds, learning to how best plant them (lines instead of scattering) and how to care for the soil, he now has his own garden that grows enough vegetables to eat and sell at the market.

Now, Ayudo has nutritious food on the table and money to pay school fees for his brothers. He even bought a few new outfits for himself, his first new clothes in years.

Ayudo is beyond grateful for this type of farming knowledge, and he sends his thanks: “I want to thank you for empowering me and showing me the way!”

How We Support

When a community partners with us, we meet with its leaders and listen to their goals, identify their needs, and uplift the existing resources to make a plan for sustainable transformation. From leadership training to meeting needs for clean water, adequate nutrition, and medical care, we support the community as it implements sanitation and hygiene practices that support good health, protection and education for their children, and Savings & Loan groups that empower families financially. As sustainable change takes root, real transformation takes place.

Learn more about World Concern's focus areas through the icon links for each area of impact.