What We Do
Medicine Distribution
Deworming medicine is a strong intervention from our program teams that treats thousands of children from intestinal parasites, which if left untreated, cause pain, malabsorption of nutrients from food, and stunt growth. We partner with international organizations who generously donate this medicine. Our teams on the ground distribute it every six months to community members, mostly children, who are greatly affected by intestinal worms.
Disease Prevention
World Concern also supplies mosquito nets and trains families on how to avoid getting malaria. Our teams train participants on how to avoid communicable diseases through prevention-based practices. These interventions allow communities to be further educated on the risks that inhibit healthy growth and development.
Nutrition Awareness Raising and Training
World Concern works with parents and caregivers to train them on the importance of healthy diets for themselves and their children. Training includes information on breastfeeding, nutrient diversity, cooking demonstrations, and how to plant and care for kitchen and community gardens. In extreme cases where children and their caregivers are on the brink of malnutrition, World Concern teams provide nutrition supplements that are designed to complement a nutritious diet, promote weight gain, and improve overall health. Additionally, World Concern refers these children and caregivers who are malnourished to their nearest health clinic, so that they can receive treatment from local health professionals.