Rahim is a housewife who lives in a small village in Bangladesh. Her work begins each day at sunrise when she collects water for the family. The women in her village used to spend hours getting clean water because it was scarce, and from February through June they had to go to another village to have enough. At times, they had to use water from canals and rainwater, resulting in waterborne diseases, diarrhea, and skin conditions.
But now, thanks to the village partnership with World Concern, they installed a deep tube well that provides enough water for twelve families close to home.
The tube well not only provides a solution for drinking water, it irrigates a large section of land where the villagers grow rice and vegetables. During the dry season, the farmers’ resource for water always dried up, but now they use the deep tube well water and have enough to grow their crops.
“We are very grateful to World Concern for supporting this support. As part of our contribution, we purchased a submersible pump that helps us to collect water from this tube well for our farming. We have formed a water user group for future deep tube well maintenance. Our water user group installed a water storage tank for our families, a submersible pump, and an electric motor for regular farming,” Rahim said. “This deep tube well has not only given a solution to our scarcity of drinking water, it has increased our crop yield, saved us from waterborne diseases, and created a nice bond among families in our village who now feel confident that if they collectively try anything they can solve the problem.”