
Region: Africa

World Concern began working in Uganda in 1994, opening the Goli Health Clinic near Arua in partnership with Kuluva Hospital and Nebbi Diocese. The Goli Clinic specialized in screening patients for HIV/AIDS and treated patients for leprosy, eye care, and dental care. In 2017, our partnership with the Nebbi Diocese entered a new phase, launching into a multi-year, multi-sector integrated development program, One Village Transformed. This work continues today and is seeing encouraging, holistic transformation at the household and community level.

Community Issues

  • High unemployment
  • Droughts, floods, mudslides, heavy storms, and fire outbreaks
  • Over 1.5 million refugees and asylum seekers
  • Clan conflict amongst rival groups
  • High rates of school drop out

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Focus Areas

  • Youth are being taught reproductive health, homes are supported with stoves that do not cause respiratory tract infections, and farmers are supported to increase crop yield and provide more food for communities.

  • Activities that promote growth in Christ include Bible studies, Truth Centered Transformation, and “Acts of Love” that share the Gospel with the greater community.

  • Members of Savings and Loan groups take out loans to generate small businesses, pay for their children to attend school, and cover household emergencies.

  • Activities include home visits to promote hygiene and sanitation with the goal of 100% participation in hand washing and the use of latrines.

Where We Help in Uganda

Partnering with a village through World Concern is a unique opportunity to journey with an entire community toward transformation. Your consistent support enables communities to evaluate their needs and resources, determine the priority of their goals, and take purposeful steps to improve their lives.

As families gain clean water, better health, multiple streams of income, and education for their children, they no longer have to struggle to survive and are able to consider spiritual truth and respond to the Gospel. That’s where true transformation takes place.

Annual Results

World Concern Uganda served 4,224 men, women, and children through our programs last year.

A Story from Uganda

Achen’s Harvest Multiplied Because of Training

Achen has been farming for years, but after recently training with World Concern’s facilitators, he employed the skills he gained in the sessions to yield more from his crops. He said,

“I planted 2.5 acres of beans, spaced them correctly, weeded at the right time, inspected my garden, and applied practices to control pests and diseases as advised by the staff of World Concern. This brought a bigger harvest than I used to get on the same acreage. I use tarpaulins and light poles when I get the seeds out of the husks now and I don’t lose many beans compared to when I harvested the beans on the ground, which is what I used to do. The seeds are also clean when removed from husks on tarpaulins.”

Achen expects to earn $233 USD when he sells his beans. With that, he will build a house and reinvest in growing beans in the coming seasons. He told us, “I want to get a larger harvest than I have this year. I am not yet married and therefore, I want my wife to find me in a good house. I will continue experimenting with the lessons taught as I see good results coming from World Concern’s training.”